
Stand Up For Love

Working recently on Stand Up For Love, a new series embracing a wider standard of beauty in our changing world.  In celebrating marriage equality for all, I have been thinking about how beauty is an evolving concept in our world.  The world is changing so much for all the LGBTQ people that I love and for all of us.   With open minds and hearts we can embrace new ideas of what is beautiful, both inside and outside of us.  

In shooting this series, I've been asking LGBTQ people to tell me how they feel beautiful and how they want to share that beauty with the world.  The world seems a larger place than when I was a child.  

This portrait of Alexis Coates is one that I shot while working on Stand Up For Love.  Alexis fairly shimmers with a warm spirituality that embraces all those around her.  Here she mugs for the camera, throwing a kiss to all those of us who admire her light-hearted portrait.  Enjoy!

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